Erotic stories of Derek Smith
Profile page of Derek Smith. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.
Derek Smith wrote 1 erotic stories which have been read 786 times
Crossdressing TrainI am in a discreet spot I found in woods, watching porn on laptop and getting all horny. A 30-40 yr old small in stature Hispanic man is walking thru the woods. He works his way in my direction, I decide to keep the laptop open but stop stroking and put myself away, yet pants undone as I am sitting on a makeshift bench. He is small, 5 ft 2 or something....he comes closer and see's the porn, and says something I cannot understand....I turn a couple pages...then notice he is unzipping....he has a ... reading time 8 mingenreGroup sexwritten on